It is sub transporter. Water flos backpack witch can speed up dive. It can be as well part or dive platform. Triangular three person engine. It can be as well building witch condense water or cold air from parts of terrain to provide energy and sorce of clear rain water shape directions ar visible in mid point it can provide street, entrance, light by water pressure transformation of rotations. In different parts. or in the middle of three multiplication three construct. provide natural safe place covered from wind.
Sculpture from view point is combining two parts of Anger and Protection.
It have cameras and fontain.
Frot left side of this image is transporter.
Botom side of this image is sub transporter.
Cillindrical shapes are turbines differential rotation turbo
Heart shaped glare part is water on side to direct dive drive.
Ciemna strefa to poglądowo komora spaleniowa redukcji elektrolitycznej wody po reakcji elektrolitycznej wynikowa. Poglądowy obiekt konstrókcyjny. Punkty z lewej strony to wyloty gazów. Dysze kształtne kierunku pływu. Gazy wylotowe dysz to H O N wodór tlen Azot i Hel.
This is an image of Top side of this image is without cabin.